It happened!!!


After my membrane sweep on Friday I went into labor Sunday early morning (around 3-4). Had contractions regularly starting at around ten or eleven am. Labored at home all day until 6:30.

So I got to the hospital at 6:30, got examined at 7:15, was already 8cm. Def got the VIP treatment to a labor and deliver suite. Was doing great, they broke my water at 8:30ish, to get things going. I dilated to 9, and was doing great, but my contractions weren't strong enough to help her descend into the birth canal. They didn't understand why. So they gave me pitosin to help make them strong enough. I caved for the epidural because i couldn't handle the pitosin contractions at like 9.5cm lol. We tried EVERYTHING to get her to descend but she wouldn't. My doc was disappointed because I would need a c-section. He thought her head was too big to fit. Turns out, she had the cord around her neck and every time a contraction would send her down, the cord pulled her back. Funny thing was she wasn't in distress at all, the whole time. So I had to have a csection because there was just no way.

Sabrina was born at 3:45am this morning.