Just want to lose the weight already!


32 yrs, 3rd baby, 10 wks post partum, 5'2 So as soon as my doc said i was good to go i began working out everyday on the elliptical. I gave th machine at home and can watch the kids while doing so and I have a medicine ball. I workout everyday if I can, but at least 5x a week for 30min if baby is too fussy to 1hr 20 min. I'm currently 156, I lost 3 lbs the first two weeks working out and then it's like I've hit a brick wall and nothing is happening. I'm nursing also. Any tips? I honestly want to be back to my original size before the baby at 130/125. I'm so ready to fit in my real clothes (non maternity clothes) and feel good. but this saggy skin had got to go and my hips/thighs are larger. so please help with suggestions??? thanks in advance.