Just venting 😒

Okay.. so... how to start..

me and my bf are dating for more than one year now. And the main point is - I feel like I'm being taken for granted ?

Story time 😅 We started as fwb.. aaaaand (blame me) I caught feelings like after 1 month. We were like that for 3-4 months (we had our ups and downs), I told him about my feelings etc. It was really complicated. And I should say that he's my first boyfriend and my first everything. So he ended up asking me to be his girlfriend. Yei, I was happy.

Fast forward a few months we started to almost live together (we're both students, and study abroad). So yeah. I always felt like I was the one who had more feelings, more love, more desire.. but I'm not saying he didn't love me, he did.

but then winter comes. We go back to our countries for 2 months and then we came back to the country of studying we decided to move together (it also saves a lot of money). And I must say that he changed - I could feel that he cared more, like his feelings grew.

So everything would be great if only.. he would take me out. As some people may understand living together means you spend A LOT of time together. We eat together every day (no jokes). I told him in the beginning of the summer that I'd like to do something this summer - see the city, go for walks, do something different than sitting and playing games all the time. And I don't want anything materialistic/expensive from him, just his willingness to do something. And guess what. The whole summer he didn't suggest 1 place to go to. I offered him to go to places. And we went to 2 interesting places (but because I searched them up, I found out information). I always wanted his interest, but he said "we'll do whatever you wanna do". Some may say well, good, he's doing what you want. But it's just so sad that he doesn't want to do anything else, than play his games all day long. I'm not joking. Nothing else matters to him. And I understand that a man needs his time, but not all the time?

And as you can see he's my first bf. And we didn't really have a period where a guy brings a girl flowers, wants her attention. I never had it. And I told him I'd like that. I'm that hopeless romantic type 😅

Sooo..then comes our 1 year. And I decided to let him plan what we gonna do. I made a card for him and a present. And decided on purpose not to plan anything- leave it up to him. So the day comes and I give him the little present and then he goes "oh no, you didn't have to, I thought we were not giving each other anything". But.. we didn't even talk about it? Okay.. I wait that day. He plays his games. And then we go eat together (just like any other day). And that's it. That's our 1 year anniversary. After that I felt like I was being taken for granted. I mean I'm not asking for much, a walk next to the river and talking about out year. At least something.. something different. and I'm not saying he doesn't love me, he does, it's just he's so comfortable with me, he thinks that I will always be there.

I don't know 😅 am I overreacting? Or maybe I'm asking for too much?

Pls no hate, I'm not that pro in relationships :)
