
My period is 2 weeks late, I've taken a few pregnancy tests that came back negative but yesterday I took one that had a super faint second line. I have a appointment at the doctors tomorrow to have a blood test. I've already decided what I want to do if I am pregnant. I'm going to have an abortion. I have no desire to have children, the thought of having someone hold my body hostage for 9 months then rely on me for the rest of their life is actually quite off putting to me. I know I'll get shit for this but I needed to vent so idgaf. UPDATE!!!! I need to go in for a second blood test, I don't know why as they won't tell me so I'm still not sure if I'm pregnant or not. I wasn't careless, I used protection. For everyone who suggested adoption, that isn't an option for me. There are a ton of kids who don't have homes & I'm not about to add another to the system. I saw a comment about getting my tubes tied or whatever, I would if I could but they won't do it just in case I change my mind as I'm young (24). If I can make the decision to have a child or have an abortion, I should be able to choose to get my tubes tied but they don't see it that way. I didn't want to be in this sitaution but I need to do what's best for me. I'd also like to say that this decision wasn't easy for me, my boyfriend & I had multiple conversations about it. Your opinion is your opinion, you can judge me if you like but please be kind & respectful to others in the comments.