Let's get some things straight


1)I'm just going to go out there and say it. Having sex. Does not make you a slut. Slut is a horrible word that no one should be called. If the sex is legal then 1)it's fine 2) it's probably none of your God damn business so good bye. 2)Having a mental illness sucks. Saying be happpy, stop worrying, or you're fine doesn't make it better. Usually int makes it worse because these ppl aren't able to do those things that you make seem like a walk in the park. You need to be able to admit that they aren't in a good place and that it will take longer than a day to get out of. Life will suck for them and you have to be there for them when it sucks - listen to what they're saying and try your best to understand that these things aren't simple (I don't have a mental illness btw) 3)You are beautiful the way you are. But if you aren't happy with the way you look, there is nothing wrong with that. Everybody has insecurities. If you find a way to be more confident with your body that is healthy and doesn't harm you, there is no shame in wanting to be different. Find yourself and who you want to be and don't let anyone tell you that you are less than anyone else Xxxxxx. Also , if you disagree with me I'm sorry bout that and also sorry for the long post. And if you know you're a judgy person keep your thoughts to yourself or stop judging ppl let them be themselves 😘