Trying to Embrace your body!


For the past year my mum has been telling me to "Embrace Your Body". For the past 3 months I have been watching a documentary about body image called 'Embrace'. My mum knows I have trouble with my weight and I find it hard keep fit.

I'm 13 years old and I let the way I look interfere with my life. Having Autism mixed in, makes me feel even worse. I am the biggest/fattest girl in my classes and I'm afraid to get changed in the changing rooms with my friends around. I feel like I will be happier if I loved my body and the way I look but that is not going to happen any time soon. I've seen a lot of girl on <a href="">Eve</a>, saying " I have trouble with my weight" when they are skinny and have the body I have always wanted. It makes me feel sad how this happens and these girls are younger than me!!!

If anyone has any tips plz comment!!!