Well I woke up with contractions at 4am on Sunday, they came and went all day and got really intense...

momma • Angel mama to my son 💗 earth mama to my daughter

Well I woke up with contractions at 4am on Sunday, they came and went all day and got really intense so I went to the hospital and they said I was already 4cm! So they kept me for an hour and I dilated another half cm in an hour so they decided to keep me and break my water. They broke my water at 2am this morning and the contractions got REAL. lol I was planning on going all natural but I labored hard until 6am (26 hours after contractions started) and finally gave in to an epidural because it was literally the most intense horrible pain I could've imagined multiplied by like 70. Lol but after my epidural I was finally able to rest and I dilated to 9.5cm by 10:30am, she was born 11:53am💘at 38 weeks 1 day