Contraception help.


I'm currently on the pill (before this I had the bar). I'm finding that the pill is not working for me at all. The bar was terrible and I had that removed after a few months, I've now been on the pill for 4-5 months.

I'm constantly sick, constantly feeling like I need to puke, headaches, almost always light headed, migraines etc. I'm constantly feeling like crap.

I'm always taking it out on my boyfriend and mum, which has almost had me kicked out and almost ruined my relationship with my partner.

I am going to see my doctor about this, and get her opinion, but I can't get there for another few weeks. So I'm just looking on here to know if any ladies have this same issue and what they went on that worked for them.

At this rate I'm feeling as if condoms may be the go, all this crap with added hormones clearly doesn't work well with my body.

Any help will be appreciated.