Get to know us.


I thought it might be nice to do an AMA thread.

We have a lot of different people here. Different cultures, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations etc.

I thought it would be cool if we could ask each other any questions we have about the things listed above. Ask anything you ever wanted to know.


1) do not attack people

2) do not judge people

3) do not invalidate people's feelings. If someone says you hurt them, accept that and apologize or move on.

4) do not stereotype. Example, don't say "where do Jews get all their money from?"

5) do ask questions like "what's your favorite thing about your culture?" Or "what's the hardest thing about being a Catholic in our society?"

THIS IS NOT A THREAD TO ATTACK PEOPLE. THIS IS A THREAD TO LEARN. If anyone gets shitty with one another, I'll delete the whole thing. Don't ruin it for those of us who want to learn.

I'll start below.