Do you automatically believe anyone who claims to be (employee of x career) on the internet as long as they sound knowledgeable?

Thomas O`Malley • When you feel the last bit of breath leaving their body, you're looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God! Hunt for the sake of hurting - hurt to understand. When mosquitos bite me, they fly away singing "There is power in the blood!"

Recently I read a Reddit quityourbullshit post and this guy had a knack for claiming to be a plethora of things, and everyone believed him because he seemed fairly knowledgeable and made several (correct) follow up comments to people asking questions and such.

There were at least 10 more in addition to that.

It got me thinking: all the time I see on here and other websites (including myself) things like:

As a vet,

As a shelter worker,

As a retail worker,

As a doctor,

As a lawyer,

As a makeup artist,


However, I want to know how many of you automatically believe what people claim to be as long as they seem knowledgeable. Are you skeptical of everyone, some people, or do you always believe it if they seem to know what they're talking about? Do you think it matters if they're lying or not?

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