Has anyone had trouble with squirting?

I am a 22 year old female and have never squirted I have had orgasms but how do I squirt ?

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every woman has the ability to squirt. multiple things come in to play, sexual arousal being one of the biggest. before your orgasm (you know when its almost there) you push! as if youre going to pee.... similar to the males urethra, during sex it is swollen shut.... so pushing will allow you to squirt. have you ever had the sudden feeling of having to urinate just before an orgasm? thats what that is, and trust me, based on a woman who just squirt not much can compare... full body spasms, exhaustion, sweating, heavy breathi g, and a huge wet spot to clean up will follow.... (results may vary) 😂 well, good luck!


Posted at
Not everyone squirts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Halie • Aug 23, 2017
actually every woman has the ability to its just if they wanna or know how to


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I can't


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There's a lot of people out there that can't.


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I can sometimes. Just depends


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I have a handful of times but it was also that mind blowing sex soo..... 💁