Venting ...

38 weeks pregnant and I've done majority of my pregnancy "single" . My baby's dad wasn't thrilled about the pregnancy but he didn't up an leave immediately, which I am greatly appreciative of. But he still wasn't "there for me " I went to all my appointments alone except for the gender scan & he sorta acts like he doesn't care for me . His family is very close with me so they call me an invite me to things but since we have broken up I try not to tag along because I don't wanna feed myself false hope of he and I possibly getting bck together , he doesn't invite me to thing but when I don't come or say I'm not coming he says "I expected you to come why aren't you ?" But I don't understand why he does that . Now we barely speak we literally go days and he won't even check on me , I usually text him after my dr appt. but I hate doing it because I feel like if he cared he would reach out . I've asked him to get a car seat an a bassinet for our baby I've done everything else alone . He has yet to do either and it pisses me off because my child can be born now at anytime and I have to wait on his last minute ass . But I constantly see him on ig posting shirtless pics making videos an following every new hoe he sees but can't communicate with me . Kinda hurt cause I still wanna be with him but deep down I know I deserve better .. people tell me daily he will change once he sees his baby but what if by then I'm over it because ive gotten thus far .. ALONE . Idk what to do honestly ...