Am I overreacting?

So, I am 14 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and I were actually best friends for the last 8 years, before officially starting our relationship this year (mind you, we started our sex life July of 2016), we just didn't fully commit to each other until this year. We were both jealous of each other just talking to others so we decided to become one... plus, he's always been in love with me, but I'd never date him or let him "out" of the friend zone.

anyways, I went through his phone because I was bored and I honestly had no thoughts that he'd be talking to another girl, I just wanted to creep through his facebook and instagram to see the stuff from people he's friends with (I know I shouldn't go through his phone if I trust him, blah blah blah, save it for yourself, most of us do it). But, all of his instagram searches were girls of his past. He has no legit exs from never following through with a relationship with any of them, but he's talked to them on a romantic/emotional relationship (before we became a thing). Mind you, there was like eight girls profiles that he has some sort of history with (he's never had sex with any of them-- I know this because I've been in his life for years and before we got serious we would openly talk about our sex lives)

Am I wrong for being mad that he's looking at these girls profiles? Or am I overreacting by freakin out??

Either way, I've already freaked about because let's be honest I'm an emotional pregnant woman and I've never had a filter to begin with.

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