BBaby sitting low at 19 weeks?

Brittany • Mom of three and pregnant with our rainbow 🌈

I'm 19 weeks and I feel like our little girl is sitting extremely low. I don't remember sitting this low with my son, but at night she tends to curl up into my pelvic area causing me a lot of discomfort and you can see her body right above my pelvic bone. I have my apt in a few days with my high risk dr but not sure how normal this is. I'm not really worried about her sitting so low it's just more curiosity if anyone else notices there baby sitting so low at 19 weeks and goes through discomfort especially at night

*** update*** seen my high risk dr today. Turns out our little girl is sitting breech at 20 weeks, so the lump I was feeling by my pelvic bone wasn't our little girl. I am starting to have contractions at different parts in my uterus. Just so happens I had one during out anatomy scan so they were able to show me and explain I'm contracting at the Same time she's kicking around by my cervix which Is the reason we thought she was sitting so far down.