Severe boredom/ help?


So my husband recently started working a new job where he travels out of state. I quit my job to travel with him since keeping my job would have just cost us money and time in the long run, plus i wanted to actually be with him. Anyway, we are currently 1,000miles from our home town and i dont know anyone here. We have been gone for almost 2 months already and prolly gonna be another 2 before we go back home for a little bit. We are currently in a small town and theres not a lot to do. I went to culinary school so i love to cook but i can only cook so much with out food going to waste. Is anyone else in this position? What are some things/ hobbys yall do throughout the day? We dont have any children yet because ive had infertility issues over the last 2 years having suffered through 3 miscarriages.. some days i get so bored and lonely i almost feel depressed especially bad days when all i think about is how infertile i am..i love my husband and being able to be with him but i need something to get me through the day besides tv..