my 25 weeker!* long story*


After reading so many birth stories im excited to share mines😀 (after 2 stillborns and a miscarriage).. (a little sooner than planned) On July 31st i arrived at my routine high risk Dr.apt and my Dr. Notified me that my cervix was funneling from the inside it was already dialated to a 1.3 but closed at the bottom and that my bag of water was bulging out, needles to say i was admitted to the hospital and was giving steroids for my baby to help develop

her lungs and 💙,also i was taking medicine to help close my cervix and continues monitoring and ultrasounds. i was complete bed rest..  a couple days later the circumstances got worse and nothing seemed to have help! our goal was to make it to 28 weeks because that increased her chance of survival without birth defects or neurological problems ... but it seemed like. she was determined to co early!  we were really just trying to buy time at that point i was literally. in the hospital bed with my feet up and head down. with a cath. so i did t get up at all.. i was barely allowed to sit up and and eat...i wad also put on around the clock dosages of magnesium (worse thing ever!) on August. 7th they took of my dosage of magnesium. and thats when 💩hit the fan! Shortly i got off the mag. I realized that my contractions had increased, the nurses didnt believe me because yhey couldnt pick them up on the monitor,i keep complaing so they finally called the dr. ,when he checked i was dilated more and i had started bleeding. So he decided. To put me back on the mag. To stop the contractions... Also didn't help!  Shortly after that blood started gushing out with each contraction(yikes) they ended up giving me morphine to take the edge off.. Turns out my placenta was detaching frm My uterus so i was rushed to have an emergency csection they had to put me to sleep and had to cut me longer due my uterus being short? (Confused about tht part) but in any event my baby girl MARLEY RAIN WHITEHEAD was born on August 7,2017 weighing 1lb 9oz and 13inches long. Shes currently in the NICU on a CPAP and tube feedings,no bleeding on her brain and she has a small heart murmur that will eventually close on its own... Shes now weighs 2lbs 1oz and they are planning on keeping her until her due date of November 19 2017 we have a long road ahead but my princess is a fighter!  Im one proud mama and. Never ceases to amaze me every day our little  blessing☺☺😍❤