Starting injectables and iui cycle today

Talia • TTC #2, 3 failed IUI, IVF#1 downgraded to another failed IUI, and IVF #2 3Day Transfer on 5/9/2018.... 🤞

Hello all! Just had my first ultrasound this morning and I start my injections of Gonal-F tonight. My specialist noted that my follicles are a little big for where we are in my cycle (day 3) so I'm a little worried that we may have to trigger early in the cycle? I don't know. This is our second time around with fertility treatments... in 2013 we did 2 rounds of <a href="">iui</a> with injectables and got pregnant with my daughter. My FSH is very high and my AMH is very low but it worked last time so I'm hoping it works again.

Anyone else going through this right now? Would love a buddy.