Maybe I am..


DH is out helping his dad load scrap metal, he went over there after finishing all the paperwork for his new job that he starts Monday. I'm at home with his almost four month old niece while his sister is at work. LO is with DH's mom so I don't lose my mind watching two teething kids (the niece has started teething very early). I've been sitting here listening to Pandora, reading posts on here while the niece sleeps. My boobs hurt, I've been throwing up occasionally for a week, and crying. So much crying. My period is four, almost five days late. I've taken a test, BFN. Fine, whatever. But why am I so miserable? Oh, add crazy heartburn and ridiculous insomnia to that list. So wtf? I texted DH, told him I'm way over everything today. He asked why and I told him about the crying and boob pain. He knew about the rest, including the test. His reply? "Lol you're broken." I love my husband, he's been my best friend for seven years. He likes to joke and try to make me smile and what not to be a good husband, especially since I suffer from depression and PTSD. But I can't respond to him. I'm crying harder as I type this. I'm terrified there is something wrong with me, that I am broken. We've been TTC #2 for going on seven months, since LO was about nine months. I wanted my babies two years apart. I've had phantom symptoms and late periods for the last three months, take a test, BFN, and within a week get my period. Could I still be pregnant now even with a BFN? Could it still be too early even though I'm four days late? I'm confused and hurt and I've been really down lately and struggled with self harm before and it's been all I wanna do lately.

Oh, also I think I ovulated sometime between the 15th and 16th of this month. I usually only have creamy CM but those two days I had the closest I've ever had to the raw eggwhite CM. Hope this helps you all give input, because I could really use some at this point. was going to make an appointment today for week, but I want DH there and we have no idea what his schedule is going to be like so we've decided to wait to make the appointment. I'm hoping they'll do a blood test to at least rule out if I am or not. Then, if negative, start trying to find out why I'm having these problems and why it's taking twice as long to get pregnant as it did with our first.

I've also just been taking dollar cheapies. I figured if I had a vvvfl, I would retest a few days after with a better test or maybe a digital.