My birth story | long & detailed


Hello ladies,

This week has been a mix of raw emotions so much so that I have barely been able to open <a href="">Nurture</a>.

I had a pretty text book pregnancy with a few bumps in the road. I delivered my twins via emergency c section in 2008 and was planning on having a VBAC or "TOLAC"... I went to my 38 week appointment on Tuesday aug 15th and was told that baby had finally dropped & that I was 2cm dilated & 50% effaced... a HUGE improvement from the week before! My dr and I laughed & he told me that if I delivered over the weekend he would be out of town so either have baby before Friday or on Monday... I left feeling GREAT! Over the course of the next 2 days I nested & had a ton of energy, I almost forgot that I was pregnant -ALMOST- lol...

So Friday morning I was up & use the restroom- like I always do... & when I wipe I notice that I've finally lost my mucous plug!!! 😝

At this point I get excited & I tell my hubby that I think baby may be here on her due date! (August 27th) ... he actually ended up being off work so he tells me he's going for a workout & I start my day... (10 am) I cook breakfast, I bounce on my birthing ball for a minute, all while taking to my best friend on the phone... although I'm feeling great, I start noticing that I'm feeling more "wet" than usual... I go to the restroom & I notice that I'm leaking fluid...





So I walk around a little bit more in complete disbelief & I realize that I'm still leaking... but whatever is coming out of me seems to be dark yellow...🤔... surely it can't be my water... can it? At this point I hang up the the phone with my friend & call hubby. He tells me to call L&D; but seems to think that because I'm not having contractions that i can just wait for a while.. I scramble to call L&D; but shit I can't remember my drs name, the hospital I'm delivering at.. my name... 😳


I finally get myself together &'let them know we are on our way... I take a shower & walk around in my room aimlessly lol. I guess I was in shock? I get it together & I call hub...

Somehow I manage to my make up, throw clothes on & wait for him to return...

after what seems like an eternity he comes home, sweaty & panics to grab our car seat and my extra bag.

The ride from home to the hospital was grueling, to say the least... my contractions came in flags blazing (4 mins apart)....

We get to L&D; and I can barely even walk, my heart rate it through the roof, my body is shaking...they check us into triage for monitoring & prepare a room for us. After an hour we are transported to our delivery room. The plan of action is to Labor until I can't take the pain anymore, get the epidural & have a baby!

They hook me up to the fetal monitors & it shows that baby is in distress. The dr comes in and tells me that the yellow that I'm seeing is in fact meconium & that they wanted to attach an internal monitor to me because my contractions were starting to space.... 30 mins later they let us know that baby is still in distress and that are going to attach a monitor to her scalp to make sure she's ok.

They break the rest of my waters & they put the monitor on her... baby seems to be taking labor ok so they tell me that they are going to start pitocin soon & that I may want to get the epidural now because if baby can't handle the contractions they won't have time to do one which would mean that I would have to be out under general anesthesia 😳

I get the epidural & boy is it a Godsend!


I still feel my contractions but they are 95% painless...


So 2 hours goes by and as I'm looking at the screen I see my contractions appear &

Babies heart rate seems to drop...

They hook me up to oxygen & turn me on my side... baby still doesn't look good..

9:00 the on-call dr comes in & tells me that we have to get baby out NOW. The next 15 mins are a blur. Hubby is taken off to be prepped, I am

Prepped & rushed to the or... the room was packed. 3 anesthesiologists, 6 neonatologists, 5 nurses, 3 residents, 2 drs & 3 nurses...

At this point in shaking uncontrollably... hubby is trying to wake me up & the drs are deathly quiet. I feel them pull her out of me and I hear her cry which causes me to start crying...

At that point, I start hemorrhaging and I pass out.

I wake up 6 hours later to hubby putting baby on my chest.

I was told that I had a pelvic tilt, baby got stuck & my uterus ruptured in 4 places... basically it was being held together by strings, my daughter fell into my bladder which by the grace of God, did not rupture..

A surgery that was supposed to take an hour tops took close to 3 hours. They were able to save my uterus... they removed my old csection scar and gave me a new one which is much bigger but a lot lower down.

My daughter Aurora Anne Wycliff was born at 10:09 on August 18th 2017, 6lbs 1oz .

exactly 1 week before mine. She is perfect in every way & the biggest daddy's girl.

Thank you for reading everyone! 💕