So my birth story

Jesika • 24. 2 princesses.1 prince. #4 due in August .
So my birth story . Since I was about 32 weeks I started having contractions about 7 mins apart but they weren't enough to actually start labor or start helping me dilate .
Well Sunday morning while at work the contractions started getting worst , and got to 5 mins apart . I was to the point of crying and not being able to breathe . My manger let me go home earlier and I did what they OB nurse told me to do . I went home and laid on my side and drank cold water to see if they would go away . They didn't subside or get any further apart , so to the hospital I went . When I got there , they checked me and hooked me up to the monitor but it wasn't picking up any contractions . I kept telling them they were in my back and I didn't feel them in my stomach . I was finally 1 cms dilated.  They had me hooked up for about 2 hours and they came and checked me again and I was 3 cms dilated. The on call doctor told them to send me home because the contractions just weren't picking up . I went home and cried my eyes out . I was in pain and no one seemed to care . My husband went to work and I laid wake all night not being able to sleep . Monday morning comes around , I had my weekly doctors appointment at 9:30 am . I got there and they hooked up back up to the monitor because I had not felt my son more since Sunday morning . After 30 mins on the monitor the US tech came and did a sonogram and said everything looked fine . The doctor came back in and told me I was still 3 cms dilated and I probably wasn't going into labor . She told me to came back in 3 days (Thrusday) to check on the baby again since he wasn't moving and that they were also putting in for an induction on the 15th of September.(4 days after my due date.) in case I didn't go into labor naturally . By that time it was already 11:45, I left the office pretty upset because I was still feeling the pain in my back . At 12:15 , I finally get back home and my 1 year old was taking her nap and me and my husband were laying next to each other , and I cried myself to sleep . He set an alarm on my phone to wake up at 2:25 to get up to take my dads girlfriend to work at 3. At 2:25 , I heard my alarm go off , but I feel like I am about to pee myself . I ask my husband for help up but I feel a little bit of water in my leg . I start yelling at him to help me cause I was peeing myself . I move my leg and I feel a little gush of water .i stand up and there goes the rest of it . I start yelling to my husband we gonna go to the hospital. We get our 1 year old ready and go pick up my dads gf (she  was the one watching our 1 year old .) he drops me off , and take her to work . They put me in a wheelchair with a towel under me and wheel me to the triage room . They didn't even need to check me to see if it was my water because the water and blood that was on the towel , the nurse knew . She comes back into the room and says I'm being admitted and they are going to give me Pitocin to help with the contractions . She checks me and I'm still at 3cms . They had a lot of women in triage so it took about an hour to get to a L&D room . I finally get into the room and they checked me and I was 5 cms dilated ! (finally !!) my husband calls me and tells me he is on his way back to me finally !! They give me the IV and started fluids for the epidural. My husband finally gets there about 30 mins later . And about 45 mins later I am getting the epidural . They had already started the Pitocin too . It's about 5:30-6 o'clock by now . It's just a waiting game from here . We waited and waited . Finally 8 o'clock comes and they checked me again , I was 8 cms dilated . I was so happy !! Then things kind of just stopped . My cervix was still high and thick despite me being 8 cms . It's now almost 12 o'clock in the morning , the doctor comes in to find out why things aren't going , she checks me and turned out (as she said it .) I had a second bag of fluid that hadn't completely popped yet so she popped it and told me she would come back in an hour to check me . At 1:30 , she cames back and my cervix is now completely thinned out and I'm 9 cms .  I was so happy , my baby boy was finally going to be here !!! A little less than an hour later , she cames back in and tells me it's time to push . 7 pushes and an oxygen mask , my baby boy was here !! 2:26 am on August 22nd Jaeden Matthew was born . Turns out his cord was wrapped around his neck , even tho the doctor said it wasn't tight enough to keep him from breathing it was causing him not to move . She said if my water wouldn't had broke , he could of been born with born with another problems because of it . He weighted 6 pounds 11 ozs and he was 20 1/2 inches long . Born at 37 weeks and 1 day .