Can the dog tell?


Just for some fun and to see if my furry friend is not the only one.

I am five weeks and three days pregnant.

Before I found out about our new joy in life, my beagle started to act kind of funny while around me. Staying close and lay near my stomach while snuggled.

Now that I know and test are showing very positive, he's becoming more and more protective. Even protects me from my Hubs wanting to snuggle sometimes! And every night now sleeps straight by me... when I get sick or feel sick. He's right by me. Whimpering in worry for me.

He's been my dog since I was in high school. He's also my service dog. My best friend god gave me in fur. So I know he truly does want me safe. Now to my mind the almost dime size baby too!!

Does anybody else have a furry protector even before showing? Do you think your dog already knows if you're also not showing? ❤️