Pain all over my belly


So I have had pains on /in my belly the whole pregnancy. I've felt it stretch and gone through Braxton Hicks, but today I had pain all in my belly that didn't feel like any of that. it hurt really bad and was constant kind of like a constant cramp. it didn't come and go, it didn't get better or worse. I tried going to the bathroom, drinking water, and laying on my side. Nothing seemed to help. Finally I took a nap, hoping it would be all better afterwards. It was somewhat better but not gone. I fell back asleep and when I woke up another hour later I was fine. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and baby was and is moving normally. Should I be worried or is this normal? This is my first, so I'm not sure what to expect. I will report it to my doc, but I just kind of wanted to gage if it was normal from other mommies.