Starting to become irritated

My boyfriend and I have been together for two and a half years and living together for almost a year and a half. We’ve discussed marriage etc. I have three teenaged daughters f I’m a previous marriage who live with us and he has two younger children from a previous marriage that come on the weekends. Here’s my issue. I make about $30k more a year than my boyfriend and Im okay with that however what I’m not okay with is that he pays absolutely nothing towards our household expenses etc. recently my wages were garnished for something my exhusband did and I have to sue him to get my money back. This took about $1k a month from my expendable income. I expected my boyfriend to pitch in that didn’t happen and now I’m questioning if I even want to stay in this relationship. I don’t feel supported and have even turned to an ex for financial assistance which he freely gave and still does. I’m starting to view my boyfriend as less of a man and my respect for him is waning. I’ve had conversations with him about helping only to be let down. I g t he doesn’t make as much as I do but I don’t think I should have to pay everything! We have a joint acct and when his money is direct deposited he removes it immediately or when we argue he removes it. It pisses me off because I’ve shared everything with him but he hoards all of his stuff. I should mentioned as a teen he was homeless however I still don’t feel this justifies the lack of support. I’m trying to be patient but now I’m just wondering should I cut my losses and ask him to move out and just be single again. With him gone at least my expenses would be less. My youngest daughter has ADHD and they sometimes don’t get along h hasn’t tried to learn about her condition and I’ve even noticed h doesn’t even take up much time with his own kids yet he wants more. I’m just emotionally drained from it all!