mother in law

This is all probably me being over dramatic or the fact that I just had a baby and my hormones are crazy but my mother in law is getting on my nerves. it is the little things she says like " our baby" or " I will feed him in less you think you can get him to eat more then I can." Also she gets in the same room as him and does not let him go, she has to be the one holding him. Any opinions, helpful tips, anything would be great. I don't know if I should say anything to my husband or not he will most likely say I am over reacting. HELP!

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I would remind it's YOUR baby. I've already had to put my foot down with my family as they were pulling similar crap. Like saying "Ill kiss him if I want to" after I told people they weren't allowed to kiss my baby. Or snatching him from me when I'm getting ready to feed him so they can feed him.


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my husbands grandmother did this to me. the term "our baby" pissed me off to no end. like she thought she helped make her. everytime she would comment our baby id answer with "my baby". like for example "our baby is growing fast. id say "yep my baby sure is. she loves her mommies milk." after a while she got the hint. tell her not to hold the kid 24/7 because when shes not there you cant do it and do things you need to get done. his grandma also did this to the point i started babywearing when she was around so she couldnt hold her constantly. which sounds contradictory but it is what it is. what youre feeling is normal and youre allowed to feel that way. dont let someone make you think other wise.


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What I suggest is to try and ignore it. Your mil too is excited about the new addition in the family.I hope she is helping you with the baby and the house. And she is just visiting you for sometime. Just consider this ignorance as a thanks for all the help she is providing.Your baby is yours only. Let her have some time with the baby and meanwhile you can enjoy some "me time" and pamper yourself.


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I used to wear my baby in a sling, it makes it a lot easier to say no to people ask if for cuddles then. Also, breastfeeding!! because nobody but you can do that, and it's a great excuse if you want to take the baby into a quiet room and have time to yourself. I would also say though that it might get better with time, and not to be too harsh.


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I totally understand where you’re coming from. I keep trying to tell myself it’s just my hormones or mothering instinct kicking in…When LO was 1 week old me and DH went to register the birth. On the way back to the car we bumped into a friend. Stopped for a very brief chat then went home. 5 minutes later I got a phone call from my MIL saying she’s bumped into the same friend just after us and she wanted to know what we were doing out with the baby and why we hadn’t popped in to visit her…A couple of days later at dinner at their house she announced that she was going to take the baby to Scotland for the summer just the two of them (background: I’m from Scotland but live in Italy. DH and MIL are Italian). It took all I had not to have a fit there and then. But since that time I’ve been really really uncomfortable with her even holding my LO. Like I said I thought it was just me being obsessive, so I let her hold him once then left the room to go see where DH and FIL were. I could hear LO starting to make some distressed sounds from down the corridor, so I went back. He was only a couple of weeks old after all and his mummy is his whole world. I went to take him back and MIL said there was no need because he was fine. I pointed out that I had heard him and she said that I was imagining it. I took him off her anyway… and I definitely wasn’t imagining it.Then she started asking how long I was planing on breastfeeding for because she wants to babysit him. I’m planning on sticking to the WHO guidelines so as long as possible really… and both me and DH work from home so we don’t need a babysitter…


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I would have warned you if I knew you but this shit right here is always gonna happen. Sorry to tell you. Let your husband know that to avoid problems down the line you need to be open with her and stop her right in her tracks. You cannot stay quiet. It will eat you alive. And he will not understand why you are acting to cruel sorry but yes, there is gonna be a change in him too. There's gonna be tears and lots of yoga. Stay calm. The calmest you can. Think before you speak but know what you want first and then speak up.


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Girl I went tf off on my mil lol tell her she did not birth that child She birthed that child's daddy. She had her turn you appreciate her help but it's YOUR TURN. it's YOUR baby. She didn't labor, push the baby out, or have them cut her to take YOUR child out. She needs to back off lol. My MIL calls my daughter "her Mayleigh bug" yet, she has only seen her 4 times in the past six months and lives 5 miles from me. 🙄


Posted at
thank you all for the advice and it is nice to know I am not the only one who feels this way. I am going to say something when it happens again which will probably be today when she comes to see him. I am going to see my family for two days and I am sure she is not happy about that.