The anxiety was worse than the birth, mind over matter people!


Okay, let me start off by saying that I had HG from week 6 of my pregnancy to around 30 weeks where it leveled off. I lost 15 pounds from my normal weight (115) and then reached my PP weight at around 6 months. It was the worst thing in my life but glory to god my little Koda bear was born July 29th at 9:15 AM and is in great health 😇😘😍.

Two days prior to the 29th, I had irregular painful contractions but lasted about 10-20 seconds, however I thought nothing of them because they said call and come in when they are 5min apart and getting stronger and stronger? These weren't, just once in a while I was just like... damn this hurts... and then it wouldn't happen for 2-3 hours again. Anywho, 4:30 am I woke up to use the restroom, came back and got in bed and I heard a HUGE POP like a balloon getting popped lol. And I was like holy $hit! I felt a trickle go down my leg and I woke up hubby and said "omg omg omg I think my water just broke" ... and to be honest I was nervous as hell and scared... the OB the week before told me she didn't think the baby was gonna make it full term, and he didn't, he was born a week early ;) 39 weeks. And she said I was probably going to have a fast labor because he was so low? I think her telling me that made me even more nervous because I'm a FTM AND after my water broke I was terribly nervous, I thought he was gonna fall out because she said fast labor lol...

I called the hospital and told them I was coming and the nurse said I could wait two hours before coming in but in my head I was like HELL NAW IM COMING RN lol. I'm glad I left asap though because I don't think I would have got to get epidural if I waited any longer.

I was in the little room for an hour before they moved me into the larger labor room. I was contracting a lot more painfully when I got to the hospital and was tbh crying that it hurt and the more it hurt the more nervous I got! I was 6cm d already when they moved me. I got epidural put twice in my back because the first time it only numbed one of my legs up to my thigh. I swore when they told me I could be paralyzed from the epidural I looked at my mom with crazy eyes and she was like just do it .... it was worth it. 20 min later I had my son at 9:15! I couldn't even feel him come out to be honest, I pushed four times and proof he was out!

I have to say prior to that though I felt something moving down there when I had the epidural and I told the nurse ...hey I feel something moving and it turned out it was my son making his way into the world. Always trust your instincts mamas! They may be professionals but it is your body!

I had. 4-5 hour labor and it was my first baby :)