Labor and delivery post ! (3 days later)

Seanna • Carmyn 08/24/17 ❤️

So 4 days ago ( Wednesday 08/23/17) I went in for my regular 38 week check up , I had been 3-4 cm 70-80 % efface for maybe 2 weeks ! No pain nothing just the normal pregnancy feelings with little BH every so often . Baby wasn't moving as much as usual but there was no issues just losing space lol but still was out on monitoring for about 45 mins to make sure her heart was strong an there was no signs of struggling . Well after all the monitoring midwife wasn't satisfied with the results , she wasn't worried or concerned just felt like it could be better . Got sent to the hospital just for further monitoring I wasn't having any labor signs so I knew I was going to get sent home ! After doctors checked me there before they could tell me anything I asked "can I go to work nOw I don't wanna be too late " lol she says very stern "no you are about to have a baby " I got so nervous I nearly peed my self then my heart rate went up and I started getting the shakes lol body went into shock , unknowingly my water had been leaking (but did not break) so babies fluid was low in there (still no need to worry or have any emergency delivery) started potocin (sp) around 630-7pm and around 8:30 started contracting 2-3 mins apart (lord help me at this point ) tried all kinds of breathing an birthing balls and potions lol none of it worked for me and my poor babe had to take hell for it I screamed at him for holding my hand , for laughing at my moms jokes , for taking my pic , anything anyone did pissed me off lol . So needless to say GIVE ME THAT EPIDURAL, I got it lol it was like God showing me so much favor I felt nothing I used the bathroom on myself 💩 didn't even know and baby's head was right in the mix 🤦🏽‍♀️ pushed for 9 mins an at 2:39 am on Thursday august 24,2017 I found my entire purpose of living I reached down an pulled my girl Carmyn right out ❤️ good luck mommies it's truly the most amazing thing I've ever done