Dear mi corazon

Dear Mi Corazon,

Te quiero mucho.

Pero I'm not going to let you break my heart with your words anymore. I know how I feel about you and have never questioned it, I also understand that you want me gone. So I'm gone. But please stop responding. I do love you. It's not an accessory or "idea." It's been a connection since day one. I've always had you on my mind since then, wondering if you were okay, what was going on, and how you were progressing. I fell that first night and I haven't gotten up since. You can believe what you want. That's fine. But you'll never understand it. If you could focus on taking care of Scott and yourself now rather than torturing me, that'd be great. I get it. You think I'm a shitty person. You never wanted to meet me. I'm the worse decision you've ever made. And that's okay. I wish you the best. And I hope you love someone one day like I do you. Because then you'll know why it's hard to watch them leave when they're going through a hard time and you don't know how to help. You're going to do great things, just you wait. Take care.

I love you.
