Am I ovulating today?

The past three months my cycle days went from 28, 30, to 32 days. I used the <a href="">ovulation calculator</a>, along with this apps ovulation chart and three other apps.

-The ovulation calculators online said my ovulation day is suppose to be from the 29-2nd of September.

-The apps said my ovulation day is suppose to be tomorrow.

Yesterday my panties had to be changed twice due to extremely watery discharge and I felt cramps. As of now I'm feeling cramping in my pelvic/uterus area.

I've been using testing strips as well starting from the 22nd till today and is going to keep testing till the 2nd of the September just to be safe.

This morning I tested my strip and I think I'm ovulating from how dark both of the lines that showed up! The photos below are the same photo just one is brighter and one is darker! Should I keep testing till the 2nd and keep being sexually active just to be safe?