Horrible nightmare after a csection 😓


LO is 2 weeks old and I feel this sharp contractions pain on the side of my rib... out of the blue.. then bam throwing up for dear life.. I'm like hell no im going to the hospital.. after waiting for 2 hours to be seen in uncontrollable pain.. they take me back give me meds iv and pull blood.. come in with results I had a UTI and it spread to my kidneys and bladder made them swollen and the pain was them contracting. I was bed bound for 4 days couldn't keep a thing down. Lost 15 pounds and feel worst then when I had the damn csection. Please be aware as this was my first time having a csection and also a catheter and this was a total shock. Couldn't even take care of my baby.. I felt horrible.. today was the first day out of bed and a little up. Still weak and tired but nursing my way back.., boy has this been a ride😓