Embarrassed at Obgyn appointment

Ok was my gynecologist rude or am I being too sensitive? Please, someone help 😰

I am 10 months post partum and have tried sex, lube, you name it lots of times but it is INCREDIBLY painful every time and I can't even let my husband finish without crying. He's been really sweet about it but I feel incredibly guilty and I'm worried it's going to eventually create an argument in our relationship. I finally made an appointment at my Obgyn after continuously trying, waiting things out, and feeling too embarrassed to tell anyone.

I get to my appointment and am clearly nervous and embarrassed to explain I'm not sexually active at the moment and haven't been on bc and want to get checked out for maybe some scar tissue or ANY answer. The doctor kept trying to sort of write it off, after telling me mom's shouldn't work full time, like "breastfeeding will make you dry you need to try lube" tried that "it hurts the first couple of times you just have to keep trying" tried that too. Finally she's like ok, sticks her hand inside me for 15 seconds, pulls it out, tells me I have a bacterial infection, tells me she's going to order me a prescription, and walks out. Now, I am COMPLETELY mortified. I was embarrassed enough talking about my sex life but now I have some gross infection that i don't understand how I got or how I had no idea/symptoms about??? I left with no answers, feeling completely belittled, and in dismay because I feel like there must be a real issue, and defeated because I'm worried my sex life will never be what it used to.