Outside Sex

The other night we had friends over, we were all outside drinking and listening to music. They ended up leaving around 3am. I left inside and my husband stayed outside to drink a couple more beers. I went inside took a shower and laid in bed. I felt really horny somehow and watched some porn. I kept asking my husband to come inside and he wouldn't, so I went outside. Wearing only underwear and a loose shirt no bra. He was sitting in his truck and I got on his lap, he started touching me and one thing led to another and i began to ride him, he stops and says get off and i climb out and right next to the truck he bends me over and fucks me from behind, mind it's already past 4am. He takes my shirt off, and all I can think about is my dad walking out and finding us 😂 gladly that didn't happen but it was probably one of the best we've had. We just continue to laugh about it when we think about It 😂 what are some of your crazy sex stories ?