Feeling like crap


I've suffered depression and anxiety since I was in 7th or 8th grade I was bullied horribly and I didn't feel like I belonged. I was sexually assaulted a year ago and Started dating guys who only wanted sex and never saw me for me. I failed nursing school and now I'm just lost. I feel like a failure. I believe that I'm not gonna be happy or that I don't belong. I feel like I'm never gonna get my life together. Even though I'm only 19 it's just being a nurse is all that I wanted. Even though I can go back I feel like I will feel the same as I did last time I was in the program. Which was I had no friends at All and it sucked. I have days were km happy and days where I'm truly not happy. People always tell me it gets better or you'll be happy or look at the bright side but I can't because I'm in my room crying Feeling alone and sad. I just don't understand it anymore.