mums to young boys i need advise please

the last few days my sons bits have been red (hes uncircumcised) when i change his nappy he starts sooking and says sore mummy. as i was changing his nappy i noticed some clear watery discharge.. So I gave him bath with soap, i did some googling while he played and dried him completly as usual let him lay on the ground for a minute and rechecked his bits and more of this watery stuff was there but this time it i caught a smell of it and it was horrid, he didn't do a wee as i was sitting with him the whole time. hes also been sick the last few days throwing up, not eating or drinking much but doesnt have a temp, he hasn't been urinating as much either.. is this a cause for concern? He's my first child and I don't know much about the male side of things. TIA