Cheating girlfriend???


Hey guys, this question doesn't really pertain to me. It has to do with my friend. He and his ex just broke up, but it wasn't a regular break up. They had an argument over text and she just decided to leave... with everything. She went to their house and packed up her clothes, her shoes, HIS TV, HIS Xbox, she took HIS car, and she took their 18 month old daughter. She also cleared out all the money in their joint bank account and left him with $10. She's completely remorseless about the whole thing too. She refused to pay rent on their house and then compromised to only paying half. She was constantly starting fights because she doesn't like him drinking and this is the 3rd time she's left him. He saw her 2 days ago and she was definitely taking care of her. She usually doesn't wear make up but she was then and she lost some weight. She also keeps saying things like "i just don't want to be with you 'right now' which makes me think that she's using him as a backup plan. I want to know if you guys think she left because wants to find someone and that's what helped her move along so fast or do you think she's a strong-willed mother who is just trying to make a point?