Rant Fantasy vs Reality

I see this so often. A man will marry or enter a relationship with a woman but then fantasize about another type of woman and either satisfies themselves by engaging in masturbation via porn or physical affairs. Why not just pursue the women you truly desire?! Find a woman that full fills you, don't settle with what is easily attainable to only cheat with what you truly desire. ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE

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I don't see porn as cheating and neither do a lot of people. I also don't see masturbation as cheating because it's healthy, as long as the sex life remains active. As for fantasizing? It's normal and also healthy as long as it's not acted upon. If you have these rules for your guy, then he must really really love you because I'd never put up with someone telling me what I can and can't watch and telling me I can't touch my own body. AND telling me what I can and can't THINK about. I'd rather have a partner instead of a dictator. But maybe that's just me.


Cake • Aug 28, 2017
Relying on porn and watching it for leisure are two different things. If you rely on porn then you have an addiction and that's damaging to your relationship.


Jasmine • Aug 28, 2017
*i meant they feel threatened by another woman


He • Aug 28, 2017
Masturbation isn't cheating but I can see how needing to rely on a stranger out a relationship for satisfaction could be. Whether physical or emotional. It's best to enter into a relationship with someone who fulfills you so you don't have to rely on porn👍🏼


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Preach it 🙌🙌🙌