Everyone at works knows now!

So I am 8 weeks pregnant and I wanted to wait as long as possible to tell everyone at work because there are already 3 other girls pregnant and I honestly was shocked to find out I am, so I'm still getting myself together mentally.

I was very sick with nausea last week so I told the member of management that was there because I work in a retail store (so me running back and forth to the bathroom is very odd) and I wanted her to know what was going on. Well, I told her I didn't want anyone else to know and that it's still early.

So apparently she has now told all the members of management (4 more people) including my store manager (who I wanted to tell first but he has been gone on work trips) SO my store manager has now asked my best friends mom (who also works there) if I am really pregnant and she told him yes but I'm not ready to tell everyone else.

I now have to talk to him tomorrow and explain everything that is going on and why I didn't come to him first. . . I'm very upset about this. I feel like more people must know and I should just tell everyone now. Anyone else have issues with work and telling everyone?