my caaarrrrr!


ranting here... i dont know if its be so mad at this or if im just overthinking. i have 320i bmw that i try my best to take care of. i feel like i work hard to pay for it and it should stay in great condition since i would like to trade it in. anyways im really annoyed with my bf, he let his dad drive it last night and when he return while parking he hit the back of his own suv with my car. i saw and heard his daughter yell i told you... he doesnt know i saw, however an apology wouldve been nice. anyways now my bmw template on the front has a bunch of scratches and im so pissed. and if he had his own car here. why did he need to drive mine.. im so upset. but mostly. annoyed am i overreacting.? i told my bf and its like he doesnt care he was being extra annoying and plain disrespectful by saying so what its just that.