What do you think

I knew my FI since we were 6 and been together for 8 years and engaged for two. We have one kid and another on the way! Our wedding isn't till May of 2018 on our 9 year anniversary but everyone is saying "why don't we just get it over with because we been together for so long..what are we waiting for" I would like a nice wedding that we can afford next year but I feel like I'm getting pressured to signing papers with him now ..

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Who cares what they think? They have their own lives to live. If they want to just sign papers, they have that option. However, (you) want that fairytale day. Who are they to dictate the order in which relationships, marriage & children go; & set a time frame? lol Please, follow your heart bc if you don't you'll regret it. They can come & support or they can hate from the sidelines, it has not bearings on your life.


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Don't do it!! I'm separated now but my ex and I went through the court and I regretted it soo much