Long rant!

So there is this girl that use to be my best friend. We'll call her copy cat. Everything I do she has to do. It drives me freaking crazy. I take my daughter to the zoo, she takes hers to the zoo. Took my daughter to Chuck E. Cheese and the next day, she takes hers. Went clothes shopping for my daughter and she made her in laws take her clothes shopping for her daughter. I dyed my hair purple, that weekend, she was purple. So I turned around and dyed my hair bright blue, because I know her husband won't let her do that. It's so damn annoying. It's like she's in competition with me so I quit talking to her completely. Here's the crazy part.

My husband and I have been trying for a year to have another child. She calls me the day before my birthday to tell me that she took a pregnancy test and she "thinks". She's pregnant. I was like ok? And then goes to apologize and say "I know y'all have been trying for a while and it hasn't happened for y'all yet and we don't really have to try" basically sounded like she was rubbing it in my face because her mother didn't even know she was pregnant yet. Then on down the line she says that she didn't want the baby that she cried when her husband pulled her back on top of him. Then at the baby shower she made the statement "I was so scared the test was going to be negative, my heart couldn't have taken it."

Like bitch. What is it. Did you or did you not want the child 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyway. She's being induced today and I've had 3 people text me already telling me she's being induced. I already know. What I really want to comment is

She's one of those people that I care enough about her that I don't want to see anything bad happen to her because we've been friends for almost 9 years. But at the same time, I'm to the point I can careless to see her face or talk to her.