My boyfriend wants a break.

He told me he's blocking me on everything until September 5th and he won't be contacting me or speaking to me whatsoever until then.

He says I've changed and he wants the version of me he fell in love with to come back.

He doesn't understand that I'm depressed and have separation anxiety.

I kept pestering him to stop and not have a break but now he's blocked me he can't see anything I've asked.

I'm completely heart broken and all want is to call him and have him look after me 😭 I'm curled up in the corner of the room crying and feel so shit about myself...

How do I make this break go as quickly as possible? 😞 I don't have any friends.. my family don't like interacting with me at all.. he was the only person I had and now even he doesn't want me..

Someone help.