School just caused me to have an anxiety attack.


I just got home ran straight to my room and started having an anxiety attack because of how overwhelming school is for me currently. I transfered from a public school in a different state to a private school in a completely new state that has schedule that change depending on assemblies and a,b,c,or d week or if it's a half day. My schedule is super confusing due to that. Also I'm struggling in geometry because my teacher teaches something once then gives a very challenging homework with problems we never went over and expects us to "problem solve". I bet she doesn't know that I have ADD,Dysnomia,and Dyslexia so sometimes it's impossible for me to do "problem solving" without having an anxiety attack after getting so frustrated I get overwhelmed. So I've been getting bad grades because of my teachers lack of knowledge as to how to teach me. She doesn't know how I learn. And probably hasn't been informed that I learn differently than normal people. This one girl in class glanced at my paper and said you were supposed to write in complete sentences. It's hard for me to complete that task when I'm rubbish at writing complete sentences and can't even read aloud! All my teachers keep saying no phones in class. Well my phone is my security blanket. I have really bad anxiety. So If I get worked up I text my mother. Or write down what's going through my head on my notes so I don't start crying. I've had attacks in school before. I almost cried in class today. My teacher said to draw something that is important to you in your life and I got triggered I felt tears in the back of my eyes. The thing I consider important died and it's grave I discovered has been tampered with so she's now gone. Her final burial place is destroyed because the new owners of my house dug up my dogs grave and threw her away without asking us first. And my brother is away right now and we will never live together ever again because he's in college now. So I am very overwhelmed right now and I don't know what to do! No one will help me or ever take me to get help trust me I've asked tons of times! My anxiety and grief are effecting my life greatly!