Testing every 12 hours is IMPORTANT


So the test farthest to the right was yesterday morning. Obviously Clear Blue gave me an empty circle. Yesterday I forgot my Wandfo test to test on the go while we were out, so I figured I would wait until this morning. That test is the middle test. Imagine my shock when ClearBlue gave me peak results! I only slept about three hours before this test so I figured it was a false peak (not sleeping enough before the test can apparently throw it off and make it high) so I decided to test again this afternoon and BOOM, LH surge was real. According to Ovia and Glow, this wasn't supposed to happen until Wednesday, and today is only CD 13 of 30 for me. Moral of the story: test early, test often, I would have totally missed it otherwise. 24 hours can make a difference!! Baby dust!!! ***UPDATE*** Used a Wandfo this morning and it was negative. Paid attention last night and pretty sure I felt the cramping. Both of my apps are still saying it should happen today, so either I'm wrong or the apps are off by a day. Fingers crossed it sticks regardless!