I know it's early but...

Sh`Mira • Mother of two 🤞🏽 Mother of two angel babies. 👼🏾👼🏾

I just started feeling pains in my uterus. Like sharp dull pains. It's been going on and off for about 1 hour I believe. It actually feels like a dull ache.. I try to move around to make myself more comfortable but nothing is working. My boobs kinda hurt along with back and leg pain that I started to notice today. I'm only 6dpo so I'm like I feel like this is all in my head. Usually right now I would be 4dpo but oddly I ovulated two days earlier then usual this cycle at CD12. Only thing new besides me ovulating early is that I used conceive plus everyday of my fertility window.. Hmm idk. I start testing this week so hopefully I get my BFP. Baby dust!