Back pain 22 weeks


I'm in panic mode I am 22 weeks as of today and I just got this weird pain in my back this is my second pregnancy. It kinda felt like a contraction. But when I went into labor with my first I felt contractions in my lower back. This is what it felt like in the entire middle of my back. I called my doctors office no answer. Mind you I'm in Houston and everything is flooded out like crazy. I had a doctors appointment for today along with my anatomy scan but it's flooded and when I called it was closed anyways.. my doctor is located in downtown as well as my hospital for delivery.! I have no idea what I should do? The pain stayed for 5 min. I feel baby kicking and moving but I'm just so nervous I hope this is not early labor anybody any advice! Should I wait call emergency the pain was like a cramp along with a lot of pressure.. it's gone now but I'm worried