Bit s/o's head off over burrito...


Yikes... major pregnancy moment and I feel really bad!!!!!! I texted bf to ask if he wanted anything from chipotle bc I was on my way home and wanted some. He said no because he's on a diet.

So I got home and he was basically drooling over my burrito and I was ignoring him bc I'm pregnant and hungry AF and if he wants a piece of this burrito he's gonna have to ask for it bc I ain't offering ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

So finally the moment comes and he asks for a bite (after I've had maybe two bites) and I internally roll my eyes but externally my eyes say SURE HONEY NO WORRIES 😶😶😶😶😶😶😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

So he takes a big ass bite and he's moaning like omg this is so good. Meanwhile I had swallowed my bite and still hungry AF and waiting for him to give it back and he HOLDS ONTO IT WHILE CHEWING ALL SLOW as if he's waiting to chew and swallow so he can take another bite meanwhile I'm STILL HUNGRY for the burrito I got after I asked if he wanted anything...

So I was like "oh no worries it's not like I'm hungry over here"

Omg I realized I'm still highly irritated by this! And he kept saying sorry and to not be mad that he "took one bite of the burrito" and it was this big ol thing bc I kept having to say ITS NOT BC YOU TOOK ONE BITE ITS BC YOU HELD ONTO MY BURRITO WHEN I AM PREGNANT AND VERY HUNGRY AND IF YOU WANTED MORE YOU SHOULD HAVE LET ME HAVE A BITE IN BETWEEN INSTEAD OF HOLDING ONTO IT FOR INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!!!!!

Whew ok end rant. I know I sound crazy but I take my burritos seriously. #22weeks