My TRAP Pregnancy


Hello everyone. I was admitted to the Antepartum unit of my hospital today at 26 weeks and 4 days and I will more than likely be here until my baby girl is born. Earlier in my pregnancy I had identical twins and at 8 weeks one my twins passed away. At 26 weeks they found a 10cm mass inside my uterus and had no idea what it was. They thought it was a Molar Pregnancy because it had no blood flow. Well at my appointment this morning they found blood flow and determined this is a TRAP pregnancy. TRAP is very very rare. A TRAP pregnancy is where a passed twin that had no heart is kept growing because the viable twin is pumping blood to it. It puts massive amounts of strain on the healthy twins heart and often leads to heart failure. Little Delilah is looking good right now, but they said this is the strangest case of TRAP they have ever seen. With a trap the passed twin doesn't look like anything but a blob with tissue and what not-well mine you can tell there is a head/legs/arms at the center with a sac surrounding it etc. Its horrifying to see on a screen... it is unbelievable that this hasn't been seen until 26 weeks even with all the ultrasounds. It is now too late to have an umbilical litigation done to have blood flow stopped to the unviable fetus to save the strain on Delilah. Had we known or had it been noticed then we probably could have. The goal is to attempt to keep her in until 34 weeks but no later than that. I will be here a while and hope that Delilah is born safely. I wish it was molar pregnancy that way the strain would have been on me and not her. I will probably post updates and I might start a group for mothers with TRAP pregnancy considering it is rare and hard to find information on. If you have delt with TRAP or are currently dealing with it know you are not alone!