Daughter has endometriosis & pregnant! 💗

my 20 year old daughter has been struggling with a multitude of health issues for the last five years. it all finally came to an end about six weeks ago when an OB did a surgery and confirm that she has stage 1 endometriosis and very close to stage two. She is already engaged to be married and the wedding is in November and the doctor told her either to take Lupron, or if she is actually already wanting to try to get pregnant, to start right away. Her plan was to start trying to conceive next year so that she would have the baby after she has graduated nursing school. the doctor said that he couldn't guarantee she would have the fertility without intervention in a year because the endometriosis has already covered one ovary and is moving down the cervix. she and her fiance decided to just let nature take its course and if they got pregnant right away then get pregnant. with joyful News, 2 months after her surgery that pretty much left her bedridden for three weeks, she is pregnant! ironic how me at 40 and my daughter at 20 is both TTC at the same time but I am so happy for her. some of the questions we have our the chances of miscarriage have said to be really high with endometriosis and she is wondering if there are tricks or supplements that can help her avoid that issue? with that said with a little bit of her history, if you have any other information I can pass on to her I would greatly appreciate it because I myself have suffered from the loss of a pregnancy but it was late term and I would like to have as much resources and information as possible so that my 20 year old daughter does not have to experience the same heartbreak and loss that I did.