glow girls help!


so I had a laparoscopy July 27th. so about a month ago. I had ovarian drilling and endometriosis removal done. my uterus is fine and so are my tubes. I am 21 trying to conceive our first. after only three after my surgery I didn't have the pain part but I felt like my end was coming back. is that even possible this soon? also I bled for 5 days after my surgery. I was supposed to have my period last week and it never showed. I took several tests all of which were negative. is it normal to miss your period after surgery? how long did it take you to get back on track with your cycle. we would like to get pregnant this year. how long after your surgery did it take to get your big fat positive? my gyno sucks by the way so i plan on finding a new one. he doesn't answer my questions. and he leaves before I even have q chance to to ask questions. he never gives me the time of day but expects to come in for every little thing just to get more money from my insurance. and suggestions on what I can do or try to help me get pregnant. I baby dance quite often. have some opk never used them before. also anyone ever have ends that did not come back? I would love to try and heal so I never have to deal with it again. also I hear a lot of women talking about serrapeptase. what I'd it and what does it do? I would love any and all feed back on your stories and what you have found to work and not work.