Stupid but important question..

So I was just on a Facebook forum thing and an anesthesiologist basically just said that if your epidural "wears off" during labour then it wasn't an epidural it was a spinal block! So now I am completely confused and also wondering which one I got with my first! Also wouldn't the doctors inform the patient if they weren't giving an epidural!! Here's some info about my labor and delivery..hoping someone with more experience can help me figure this out!! I don't like not knowing what happened to my body and I would like to be more prepared for my second delivery in a few months!! TIA

I basically made it to 9cm without any pain meds but it got too tense for me and my body was tensing up and I was just too exhausted cuz I hadn't been able to sleep the night before!! So I decided to get the epidural so I could relax and get some was administered whilst I was having a contraction with me hunched over and hugging a pillow..I felt a stinging sensation when they gave the numbing injection..and then after that my pain eased. Now I don't remember if there was a catheter in my back or not! I didn't have any button sort of thing to increase dosage. I progressed to 10 within two hours but it still took a lot longer because baby wasn't the time I had to push I could feel mostly everything..I didn't feel the urge to push because I had to manually push my baby down... because it had been too long since they had broken my waters and I had gotten a high fever and doc didn't want to wait much longer for risk of c-section. So I felt when doc manually stretched me (SO PAINFUL!), I also felt when my son was crowing and I had to stop pushing and wait for a contraction, also felt him come out, and felt pulling and discomfort when doc was stitching me up. So how exactly do I figure out whether or not I got an epidural or a spinal block?!?! And why wouldn't the doctors inform me if I was being given something other than an epidural!?!?

I'm feeling quite uncomfortable right now...someone please advise!