Idk how to explain it and no one understands


I'm 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I have this pain in my stomach that will not go away. I try explaining it to people the best I can but idk how it just feels like a sick feeling in my stomach at all times I always feel like I'm going to puke and the only way to control it is to smoke weed. I want to quit once I'm farther along but right now there's no way I can give it up it's the only thing that can make me function. I wake up 3-4 times in the night because of this stomach pain. Most of the time i end up throwing up at least once and before it was all stomach lining now I know to eat before I go to sleep because at least if I throw up it won't be as bad. And just today it feels hard to breathe like when I do it's kind of painful. It could be my anxiety but I really don't know :/ Anyway the point of this has anyone had this feeling before? I also was spotting about a week ago for 2 days. Wasn't bad it was old blood and i noticed it was when I was working so I just have to take it easy but now I'm worried that maybe I pushed myself to hard and something could be wrong. My first pregnancy was nothing like this so just looking for opinions. Thank you!